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The domain of Geoanalytics and Urban & Regional Sciences develops and applies quantitative methods to geographically based problems and issues. This domain is grounded in human geography and analytics are applied to properties of human systems that vary over time and across space. Substantive context varies, but the suite of methods is comprehensive and broadly applicable. Examples of methods used in this area include spatial statistics, location analytics, geosimulation, geocomputation, spatial optimization, network analysis, and cartography & geovisualization. The setting and scale of research focuses on cities and urban systems (the dominant home of humankind) and regions (coarser scale aggregations of human settlements in which individual cities and towns interact as a system).

 Affiliated Faculty

I explore how agricultural, trade, and conservation policy affects human and environmental outcomes.
Dynamic microsimulation, travel behavior analysis, activity-based travel demand forecasting, behavioral dynamics, human survey design, smart green cities.
Associate Professor
My research develops spatial analytical methods to explain why social and ecological processes differ between locations.
Vice Chair for Academic Personnel
GIScience, location modeling, spatial optimization, spatial analytics, regional science, natural resource management and emergency response.
Problems associated with poverty and interregional differences in development trajectories. These interests are manifest in, and interact with, aspects of demography (fertility, family formation, migration), health (morbidity), livelihood (especially agriculturists), and gender.