Undergraduate Courses

The Geography department offers courses across a broad, interdisciplinary spectrum. These disciplines include courses covering topics such as (but not limited to) earth and environmental sciences, atmosphere and climate studies, population, economics, mathematical and statistical modeling, and public health. As many of these topics are covered in courses offered in other academic departments, we can apply related courses from outside the Geography department toward the upper division requirements for the Geography majors.

Related Courses

These are courses from other departments on campus that are considered related to your Geography degree. These courses may be taken to increase the depth of your education in your chosen area. For instance, if you are interested in Urban Planning, you might also want to take Environmental Studies' 135 and 165 courses to learn about Environmental Planning and Environmental Impact Reports. These are courses that will apply to the Geography upper-division elective requirement without a petition, although they will not count for a specific area of your major sheet without petition. This list is not all-inclusive, and other courses may be accepted via petition (consult an undergraduate advisor for more information)

 Please note: A maximum of 8 units from the related courses list may be applied to your upper-division electives in any of the Geography degrees. If you take more than 8 units from this list, only 8 will count as units for your major but the course grades from all of them will be applied to your major GPA.

 View Related Courses

  • 102 Activist Anthropology
  • 103 Human-Wildlife Interactions 
  • 104 Risk & Inequality 
  • 109 Human Universals 
  • 111 The Anthropology of Food
  • 113 Indigenous People and the Nation State in the Americas
  • 115 Language, Culture, and Place 
  • 116B Anthropological Approaches to Religion 
  • 117 Borders and Borderlands 
  • 121 Human Evolution 
  • 123MG Data Analysis for the Social Sciences with R
  • 124 Anthropological Political Economy
  • 129MG Behavioral Ecology of Hunter Gatherers 
  • 130 International Development and Population Health 
  • 131 North American Indians 
  • 131CA California Indigenous Peoples 
  • 133 Cultural Development in Mesoamerica 
  • 134 Cultural Anthropology of Latin America    
  • 135 Cultural Anthropology of Mexico 
  • 138 Anthropology of Environmental Health
  • 139 Indigeneity and Sovereignty 
  • 141 Agriculture and Society in Mexico: Past and Present 
  • 142 Cultural Anthropology of South Asia
  • 145 Anthropological Demography and Life History
  • 146 Anthropology of Development
  • 147 Water and Society
  • 148 Ecological Anthropology
  • 152 Environmental Anthropology
  • 155 Prehistory of California and the Great Basin
  • 156 The Anthropology of Africa
  • 157AAZZ Ethnographic Field Methods
  • 162 Prehistoric Food Production 
  • 164 The Origins of Complex Societies 
  • 167 People of the Ice Age 
  • 172 Colonialism and Power
  • 174 Amazonia
  • 184 Settlement Pattern Analysis in Archaeology
  • 188 The Seacoast in Prehistory
Asian American Studies
  • 130 Colonialism and Migration
Black Studies
  • 100 Africa and United States Policy 
  • 124 Housing, Inheritance, and Race 
  • 128 The Black Experience in Southern California 
  • 129 Black Cities: Spatial Politics of Violence, Power and Resistance 
  • 154 Environmental Racism and Environmental Justice
Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • 123 Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry
Chicana and Chicano Studies
  • 118 The Scientific Revolution and Non-Western Epistemologies
  • 141 Central Americans in the United States 
  • 144 The Chicano Community (same as SOC 144) 
  • 189 Immigration and the U.S. Border
  • 102 Understanding Mass Communication Theory 
  • 109 Language and Social Identity 
  • 114 Media Effects on Society and Institutions 
  • 128 Language and Intergroup Communication 
  • 131 Organizational Communication: A Global Perspective 
  • 136 Collaborative Technologies and the Dynamics of Organization 
  • 137 Global Communication, International Relations and the Media 
  • 147 Immigration and Communication 
  • 148 Risk Communication 
  • 150 Group Communication in Multiple Contexts 
  • 153 Communication and Global Advocacy Networks 
  • 160DS Data Science in Communication
  • 163 Diffusion of Innovations 
  • 169 Social Networks
Comparative Literature
  • 107 Voyages to the Unknown (Same as FR 154A)
  • 153 Border Narratives
Computer Science
  • 111 Introduction to Computational Science 
  • 165A Artificial Intelligence 
  • 174A Fundamentals of Database Systems 
  • 174B Design and Implementation Techniques of Database Systems 
  • 174N Introduction to Databases 
  • 180 Computer Graphics 
  • 185 Human-Computer Interaction
Earth Science
  • 100 Introduction to Geophysics 
  • 103 Fundamentals of Structural Geology 
  • 104A Field Studies in Geological Methods 
  • 104B Field Methods 
  • 105 Earth’s Climate: Past and Present 
  • 106 Introduction to Climate Modeling 
  • 107 Climate Change: Lessons from the Past
  • 108 Clastic Depositional Environments 
  • 109 Geology of California 
  • 113 Engineering and Environmental Geology 
  • 114 Geomaterials 
  • 117 Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 
  • 118 Summer Field Geology 
  • 119 Field Investigations in Geology 
  • 122 Sedimentation and Stratigraphy: Processes and Products 
  • 124G Geochronology 
  • 124I Biogeochemistry of Stable and Cosmogenic Isotopes 
  • 124IG Introduction to Geochemistry 
  • 125 Field Methods in Hydrology 
  • 126 Chemical Thermodynamics for Geoscientists 
  • 127 Field Petrology
  • 130 Global Warming - Science and Society
  • 131 Geophysical Time-Series Analysis 
  • 133 Plate tectonics and mantle dynamics 
  • 134 Introduction to Geological and Geophysical Data Analysis 
  • 135 Principles of Geophysics 
  • 136 Geophysics (Seismology) 
  • 143 The Early Evolution of Life and its Environmental Context 
  • 157 Plate Tectonics 
  • 158 Advanced Structural Geology 
  • 159 Origin of the Earth 
  • 161 Earth Resources, Energy and the Environment
  • 163 Organic Matters
  • 164B Earth System Ocean-Atmosphere 
  • 164C Earth System History 
  • 168 Aqueous Transport of Pollutants (same as ENV S 168) 
  • 169 Tracer and Contaminant Hydrology (same as ENV S 169) 
  • 176 Geological Applications of GIS 
  • 182A Field Studies in Marine Bio/Geochemistry 
  • 183 Advanced Field Mapping and Geologic Investigations 
  • 185 Physical Volcanology 
  • 186 Cordilleran Tectonics
Cross-listed Earth Science (Geological Sciences)
  • 137 Quantitative Geomorphology (same as GEOG 137)
  • 173 Groundwater Hydrology (same as GEOG 116)
Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
  • 103A Flora and Vegetation of California 
  • 103B Vegetation and Flora of California 
  • 119 Ecology and Management of California Wildlands (same as ENV S 119) 
  • 120 Introduction to Ecology 
  • 120AL-BL Field and Laboratory Studies in Ecology 
  • 127 Plant Biology and Biodiversity 
  • 127L Plant Biology and Biodiversity Laboratory 
  • 128 Foundations of Ecosystem Restoration (same as ENV S 128) 
  • 133 Biodiversity and Conservation Biology (same as ENV S 133) 
  • 140 General Plant Ecology 
  • 140L General Plant Ecology Lab 
  • 142A Aquatic Communities 
  • 142AL Methods of Aquatic Community Ecology 
  • 142B Environmental Processes in Oceans and Lakes 
  • 142BL Chemical and Physical Methods of Aquatic Environments 
  • 142C Environmental Processes in Oceans and Lakes 
  • 148 Ecology of Running Waters 
  • 152 Applied Marine Ecology (same as ENV S 152) 
  • 153 Ecology of Lakes and Wetlands 
  • 155CC Global Change Biology
  • 158 Climate Change Impacts on Marine Ecosystems
  • 159 Tropical Ecology 
  • 166 Field Approaches to Terrestrial Plant and Ecosystem Ecology 
  • 167 Applied Freshwater Ecology 
  • 168 Conservation Ecology 
  • 170 Biology of the Marine-Land Interface 
  • 171 Ecosystem Processes (same as ENV S 171) 
  • 172 Theoretical Population Ecology
  • 179 Ecological Modeling 
  • 185 Field Work in Oceanography
  • 114A Economic Development 
  • 114B Economic Development 
  • 115 Environmental Economics (same as ENV S 175)
  • 120 Urban and Regional Economics 
  • 122 Natural Resources Economics 
  • 127 Climate Change 
  • 180 International Trade 
  • 181 International Finance 
  • 184 Decisions Under Uncertainty
Environmental Studies
  • 101 Ecosystems Services and Biodiversity
  • 102 Qualitative Methods for Environmental Studies
  • 103A Flora and Vegetation of California 
  • 105 Renewable Energy Systems
  • 108O History of the Oceans (same as HIST 108O) 
  • 108W People and Wildlife 
  •  112 World Population, Policies, and the Environment 
  • 115 Energy and the Environment 
  • 116 Sustainable Communities 
  • 117 Transition to a Low Carbon Society 
  • 118 Industrial Ecology: Designing for the Environment 
  • 119 Ecology and Management of California Wildlands (same as EEMB 119) 
  • 120A Introduction to Environmental Toxicology 
  • 120B Advanced Environmental Toxicology 
  • 122CC Cultural Representations - The Rhetoric of Climate Change 
  • 122LE Cultural Representations: Literature and the Environment (same as ENGL 122LE)
  • 122NE Cultural Representations: Nature and the Environment (same as ENGL 122NE) 
  • 125A Principles of Environmental Law 
  • 125B Climate Change Law and Policy 
  • 128 Foundations of Ecosystem Restoration (same as EEMB 128) 
  • 129 Ecopsychology 
  • 130A Un-naturalizing Disasters: Risk, Vulnerability and Resilience 
  • 130B Global Tourism and Environmental Conservation 
  • 130C Aquatic Food & Resource Management 
  • 130SD The World in 2050: Systemic Alternatives
  • 131 International Environmental Law and Politics 
  • 132 Human Behavior and Global Environment 
  • 133 Biodiversity and Conservation Biology 
  • 134 Coastal Processes and Management 
  • 134EC Earth in Crisis
  • 135A Principles of Environmental Planning 
  • 135B Advanced Environmental Planning 
  • 137 Conservation Planning
  • 141 Chemistry of Global Change 
  • 145 Climate Change Mitigation Strategies
  • 147 Air Quality and the Environment 
  • 148 Transforming Food Systems
  • 150 Agroecology
  • 151 Environmental Anthropology 
  • 152 Applied Marine Ecology (same as EEMB 152) 
  • 154 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Environmental Applications 
  • 155 The Built World: Infrastructure and Environmental Change 
  • 160 American Environmental Literature 
  • 163A Global Water Resources Water Supply and Demand
  • 163B Global Water Resources Water Management and Policy
  • 165A Environmental Impact Analysis 
  • 165B Advanced Environmental Impact Analysis 
  • 168 Aqueous Transport of Pollutants (same as EARTH 168) 
  • 169 Tracer and Contaminant Hydrology (same as EARTH 169) 
  • 171 Ecosystem Processes (same as EEMB 171) 
  • 172 Waste Management: Product Stewardship, Recycling, and Renewable Energy
  • 173 American Environmental History (same as HIST 173T) 
  • 174 Environmental Policy and Economics 
  • 175 Environmental Economics (same as ECON 115) 
  • 176A Water Policy in the West: Linking Science with Environmental and Economic Values 
  • 176B Advanced Study of Water Policy 
  • 178 Politics of the Environment (same as POL S 175) 
  • 179 Natural Resource Economics 
  • 180 Global Environmental Movements 
  • 182 Seminar in Community and Personal Resilience
  • 184 Gender and the Environment 
  • 186 Development, Displacement, and Environmental Justice
  • 187 Green Building Design & Operations
  • 188 Ethics in the Anthropocene 
  • 189 Religion and Ecology in the Americas (same as RG ST 193) 
  • 193CB Consumer Behavior and the Environment
  • 193DS Statistics for Environmental Science 
  • 193EB Ethnobotany and Economic Botany: Human Uses of Plant
  • 193FE Fire in Western USA Ecosystems
  • 193PL America’s Public Lands and Waters - Law and Policy
  • 193ST Sea Turtle Conservation Science and Management
  • 193TK Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Honoring All Our Relations 
  • 193TW Introduction to Transboundary Water Sharing
Cross-listed Environmental Studies
  • 111 The California Channel Islands (same as GEOG 149) 
  • 114A Principles of Soil Science (same as GEOG 114A) 
  • 114B Soils of California: Formation, Morphology, and Management (same as GEOG 114B) 
  • 144 Form, Process, and Human Use of Rivers (same as GEOG 144) 
  • 149 World Agriculture, Food, and Population (same as GEOG 161) 
  • 162 Environmental Water Quality (same as GEOG 162) 
  • 167 Biogeography: The Study of Plant and Animal Distributions (same as GEOG 167)
French and Italian
  • 154A Voyages to the Unknown (same as C LIT 107)
Global Studies
  • 102 Global Religion (same as RG ST 108) 
  • 104 Global Diasporas and Cultural Change 
  • 110 Global Culture and Ethics 
  • 112 Global Refugee Migration
  • 120 Global Ideologies and World Order 
  • 123 Introduction to International Political Economy (same as POL S 186) 
  • 124 Peace, Conflict, and Violence in Global Perspective (same as SOC 138G) 
  • 125 Politics of Development
  • 130 Global Economy and Development 
  • 136 Global Economic Imbalances 
  • 138 Global Health 
  • 140 Global Racial Justice
  • 155 Ethnographies of Globalization 
  • 157 Global Media 
  • 159 Globalization and Culture 
  • 161 Global Environmental Policy and Politics 
  • 163 Global Cultures from 17th C to Present 
  • 165 Colonialism, Neocolonialism and Globalization 
  • 171 Global Environmental Law & Policy 
  • 172 International Organizations and Global Governance 
  • 173 Energy in Global Societies 
  • 174 Global Perspectives on Environment and Society 
  • 175 Technology, Inequality, and Globalization
  • 180A Introduction to Women, Culture, and Development (same as SOC 156A)
  • 108O History of the Oceans (same as ENV S 108O) 
  • 117A Towns, Trade, and Urban Culture in the Middle Ages 
  • 117E Society and Nature in the Middle Ages 
  • 124C Sex, Gender and Settler Colonialism
  • 136CA Central American Migration to Mexico and the United States 
  • 136M History of U.S.-Mexican Relations 
  • 141C The British Empire: Past and Present
  • 144B Immigration and the U.S.-Mexico Border 
  • 144C Chicanas and Latinas in U.S. History
  • 144F A History of the U.S.-Mexico Border Through Film
  • 147D History of Development in Africa 
  • 148AU African Urban History: From the Ancient City State to the Contemporary Metropolis 
  • 149AD Blackness in Latin America, An Introduction (same as LAIS 149AD)
  • 149IA Islam in Africa
  • 150CL Colonialism and Language
  • 151G Latin America and Globalization 
  • 164IA American Immigration 
  • 171C The United States and the World, 1898-1945 
  • 171D The United States and the World Since 1945 
  • 171ME The United States and the Middle East Since 1900 
  • 173T American Environmental History (same as ENV S 173) 
  • 176A-B The American West
  • 178A American Urban History 
  • 193F Food in World History
History of Art and Architecture
  • 105O The Global Middle Ages: Visual and Cultural Encounters in the Medieval Mediterranean 
  • 130F Art and Archaeology of Mesoamerica
  • 130G Art and Architecture of the North Coast of Peru
  • 132A Mediterranean Cities 
  • 136C Architecture of the United States 
  • 136E Food Space 
  • 136H Housing American Cultures 
  • 136I The City in History 
  • 136J Landscape of Colonialism 
  • 136O Sustainable Architecture: History and Aesthetics 
  • 136R Architecture of the Americas 
  • 136T Building California: Architecture and the Creation of California’s Environment 
  • 136W Introduction to 2D/3D Visualizations in Architecture 
  • 136X Culture of Architecture: Perception and Analysis of the Built Environment 
  • 148C Art in California
  • 115 Introduction to Historical Comparative Linguistics 
  • 117 Regional Dialects and Varieties of English Around the World 
  • 122 History of the English Language 
  • 180 Language, Race and Ethnicity 
  • 181 Languages of the World
  • 102A-B Modern Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometry 
  • 104A Introduction into Numerical Analysis 
  • 104B Numerical Analysis 
  • 104C Advanced topics in Numerical Analysis 
  • 108A–B Introduction to Linear Algebra 
  • 113 Non-Euclidean Geometry 
  • 116 Combinatorial Analysis 
  • 132A Optimization
  • 132B Operations Research 
  • 137A Graph and Network Theory 
  • 137B Spectral Graph Theory
  • 145 Introduction to Topology
Mechanical Engineering
  • 152A Fluid Mechanics
  • 120 Physics of California: Waves, Weather, Quakes and Fires
Political Science
  • 121 International Politics 
  • 124 International Organizations 
  • 134 Relations Between the United States and Mexico 
  • 137 Politics of Economic Development 
  • 146 Globalization and Politics 
  • 162 Urban Government and Politics 
  • 166 US Immigration Politics and Policy 
  • 175 Politics of the Environment (same as ENV S 178) 
  • 177 Comparative Environmental Politics 
  • 186 Introduction to International Political Economy (same as GLOBL 123)
Psychological and Brain Sciences
  • 108 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
Religious Studies
  • 108 Global Religion (same as GL ST 102) 
  • 128C The Sacred Geography of the Ancient Mediterranean World 
  • 140B Religion, Politics and Society in the Persian Gulf Region 
  • 150B Religion and Tourism in Modern America 
  • 156EE Environmental Ethics 
  • 193 Religion and Ecology in the Americas (same as ENV S 189)
  • 105E Environmental Sociology 
  • 108 Methods of Sociological Research 
  • 108C Methods of Cultural Analysis
  • 108F Studying People at Firsthand--Observational Methods in Social Science Research 
  • 108G Methods and Research in Global and International Sociology 
  • 118C Sociology of Culture
  • 118CW Consumption, Waste, and the Environment 
  • 122GI Global Inequalities 
  • 124 Sociology of Immigration 
  • 126 Urban Society 
  • 130A Development and Social Change in Africa
  • 130GC The Global City
  • 130GR Globalization and Resistance 
  • 130LA Development and Social Change in Latin America 
  • 130ME Development and Social Change in the Middle East 
  • 130SD The World in 2050: Systemic Alternatives (same as ENV S 130SD) 
  • 130SG Sociology of Globalization 
  • 134EC Earth in Crisis (same as ENV ST 134EC) 
  • 144 The Chicano Community (same as CH ST 144) 
  • 156A Introduction to Women, Culture, and Development (same as GLOBL 180A) 
  • 176A Sociology of Global Health, HIV/AIDS & other Infectious Diseases 
  • 185C Cultural Theory 
  • 185DG Theories of Globalization and Development 
  • 185E Introduction to Ethnomethodology
Statistics and Applied Probability
  • 120A-B-C Probability and Statistics 
  • 122 Design and Analysis of Experiments 
  • 123 Sampling Techniques 
  • 126 Regression Analysis 
  • 127 Advanced Statistical Models 
  • 131 Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning 
  • 132 Database Management for Data Analysis 
  • 135 Big Data Analytics 
  • 160A-B Applied Stochastic Processes 
  • 174 Time Series 
  • 175 Survival Analysis