APPENDIX 4 : Subject Questionnaire for San Francisco RIAS Experiment

Part I: Pre-test questions   Circle or write answer

Date………..                           Time----------                           Source_________________

Personal Details                                   

Name:..............................................................................   Subject #:………..



Are you?                                Male   o                  Female  o


Highest Grade Level of Education Finished   

 No HS   Some HS                 HS grad  Some college          college grad           Advanced degree


Age of onset of blindness:...............................................................................

How long blind?……………………………………………………………..

Cause of blindness:.........................................................................................

Describe blindness including any light or shape perception:

What is your visual acuity after correction, e.g., (20/200) or field of vision?…………………..

Are you legally blind?   Yes: o           No: o

(2) Which of the following best describes your ability to read:

Can read large print                            


Can read large print with aid i.e.   magnifier


Cannot read large print at all


Can read Braille


Do you use any adaptive technology to aid reading? Yes: o      No: o

Name and describe it:.............................................................................................................

Do you have a hearing loss? Yes: o                 No: o


Do you use mobility aids     CANE                      TALKING SIGNS DOG        ECHO      OTHER

How long have you had O&M training on using transit?   ---------------

How long have you had O&M training on other independent travel skills?   ---------

How helpful was your O&M training? On a scale of 1-5 (5=Very helpful)   _____

Please rate yourself in terms of your mobility and travel in the following areas:







Very unsure

Independent travel


General Sense of Direction


New environments



How often do you learn a new route or navigate around a new place?

daily        several times a week            weekly     several times a month           once a month
less than once a month

Had you heard of Talking Signs before being contacted about this experiment?   YES  NO

How often have you used the auditory signage system "Talking Signs"?


How often have you been to the downtown SF Caltrains stations at 4th and King?


How many trips or outings do you make in an average week?    ____________

Is this less than before you lost your sight     CIRCLE   YES          NO    SAME  N/A

If you make fewer trips what is the major reason for your reduced travel?_____________

In an average week:

1.              How often do you use bus transit?                                                                   ______

2.              How often do you use the BART system?                                                       _______

3.              How often do you use the Light Rail system?                                                 _______

4.              How often do you use door to door van services?                                         ______

5.              How often do you use family or friends private car?                                      ______

6.              How often do you use a taxi or other paid service (not van)                         ______

7.              How often do you walk to your activities?                                                       ______


Employment Status: Are you?

Employed   Full time             Part time   Self Employed      Student   Volunteer                Not employed

Is this current employment status what you desire?     Yes          No

What employment status would you prefer?

Full time Part timeSelf Employed                        Student   Volunteer                Not employed

Are you able to work flexible hours?                Yes          No

What type of job skill certification, training or degree do you have?   __________________

If Employed:

What is your occupation?   _____________________

How long have you been employed?  _________

If you were already working when you became visually impaired, have you become   underemployed because of your impairment?             YES  NO  

If underemployed, how much less do you make?  ___________

Do you feel that you are underemployed (skills not utilized)?      Yes         No

Do you feel that you are underemployed because of transit or other access problems?

                Yes         No

If Unemployed:

What was your occupation?               _______________

How long have you been unemployed?          _________

If you were already working when you became visually impaired, have you become unemployed because of your impairment?  YES   NO 

If unemployed, how much less do you make?  ___________

Do you feel that you are unemployed because of transit and other access problems?

                Yes         No

Transportation and employment:

List any transportation problems that restrict your choices for employment or job search.

Are there any specific problems with transferring between different transit modes which restrict your choice of employment locations or job search?








My vision impairment has caused problems in transit use, which restrict my range of locations for jobs.


My vision impairment has caused problems in transit use which restrict my range of non-job related activities.


If transit and mode transfers were made less difficult I could find a better job.



How long have you lived at your present location?_________

How do you conduct a search for a new place to live?

What problems do you face as a visually impaired person when searching for a good location in which to live.

Travel Information

What is your regular method to get and recall information when you have to learn about a new route

 or how to get to a new location.  

If a special concert or movie I was looking forward to attending was being held 10 miles away in an unfamiliar location that was served by an unfamiliar transit route and also required a transfer to another mode, I would probably:

1               Forego the event

2               Ask a friend for a ride

3               Ask a family member for a ride

4               Ask someone to teach me the transit route

5               Pay for a cab

6               Call dial-a-ride

7               Get information and then rely on my travel skills and by asking for help on the way

8               Other ----------------

How much would you be willing to pay for a sighted guide  to get you to and from the event?

$ Per Day?  

How much money would you be willing to pay if you were able to independently travel the new route and make the transfer yourself?

$ Per Day?  

How much extra money would you be willing to pay for this event if you were able to have the same access to the information on signs, at streets intersections, on transit and in buildings that the sighed public enjoys?

$ Per Day?

If a job that you wanted was located 10 miles away in an unfamiliar location that was served by an unfamiliar transit route and also required a transfer to another mode, I would probably:

1               Forego the job

2               Ask a friend for a ride

3               Ask a family member for a ride

4               Ask someone to teach me the transit route

5               Pay for a cab

6               Call dial-a-ride

7               get information and then rely on my travel skills and by asking for help on the way

8               Other ------------------------------

How much would you be willing to pay a sighted guide to get you to and from the job?

$Per Day?  

How much money would you be willing to pay if you were able to independently travel the new route and make the transfer?

$Per Day?

 How much money would you be willing to pay if you were able to have the same access to the information on signs, at street intersections, on transit and in buildings that the sighted public enjoys?

$ Per Day?

Monetary gains from independent travel

If I was able to use unfamiliar transit and make transfers independently and with less difficulty, I could probably make  $------------------ more per year.

If I was able to use unfamiliar transit and make transfers independently and with less difficulty I could reduce my spending for assistance by   $-----------  per year.


How often during an average week do you make these types of trips or activities?   How long is your total round trip transit travel and/or walk time?

                Trips                                       Total transit time                                  Walk time

                Work                                      ----------   ------------                                 --------------

                Shopping                               ----------   ------------                                 --------------

                Social events                        ----------   ------------                                 --------------

                Recreation                             ----------   ------------                                 --------------

                Entertainment                       ----------   ------------                                 --------------

                Educational                           ----------   ------------                                 --------------

                Religious                               ----------   ------------                                 --------------

                Medical                                  ----------   ------------                                 --------------

                Banking / Financial               ----------   ------------                                 --------------

                Other                                      ----------   ------------                                 --------------

Do you sometimes avoid trips or activities because of your visual impairment and the difficulties of independent travel                               YES                NO

If YES, How often during a week do you avoid these types of trips or activities because of you visual impairment and difficulties of independent travel?

Work                                       ----------

Shopping                                ----------

Social events                         ----------

Recreation                              ----------

Entertainment                        ----------

Educational                            ----------   

Religious                                ----------

Medical                                   ----------

Banking / Financial               ----------

Other                                       ----------

How difficult are the following transit and modal transfer tasks? (5 pt.   scale)

Extremely difficult, Very difficult, Difficult, Somewhat difficult, Not at all difficult







Getting enough suitable information about an unfamiliar transit terminal or building so that you could make an unaided trip.


Getting enough suitable information about an unfamiliar transit route so that you could make an unaided trip


Getting enough suitable information about transit boarding locations on an  unfamiliar transit route so that you could make an unaided trip


Preplanning and remembering instructions, directions and routes for an unfamiliar area so that you can make an unaided transit trip


Having the same access and ease of use of transit and public buildings as enjoyed by the general public is?








Finding a bus stop


Knowing which buses stop at a bus stop


Finding the proper bus


Finding a bus door safely and quickly for easy boarding


Transferring to another bus on the line


Transferring buses at a busy terminal








Finding my way around an unfamiliar train or bus terminal


Finding information or ticket windows, services and amenities such as phones and bathrooms in a new building or terminal.


Finding the proper boarding gate at a train station when there are many doors or gates to various platforms


Finding the door to a train at an unfamiliar platform


Muni  (Light Rail)






Finding the entrance and the platform for a street level Muni platform


Finding out which Muni routes are served by a platform


Finding which side of the platform to wait at for the proper train


Finding the door to a Muni train








Transferring from a train or bus terminal to another mode of transit (light rail or bus) one block away.


Leaving a station and finding a taxi stand on the street.








Crossing a busy street in an unfamiliar area.


Realizing I am lost while travelling and don't know which street corner I am at.


Determining the traffic flow and intersection type in order to safely cross at an unfamiliar street intersection


Knowing what street corner I am at when in an unfamiliar area.


Keeping my mental map continually updated so that I know which block or crossing I am at while traveling


These questions attempt to determine how much a person views transit transfers as a barrier to travel

For each situation, assume that you are a regular rider of a transit line and your trip home takes you one hour.  You find out that a new route such as an express bus or rail service has opened up.   You can save some time on your one hour trip but will have to make a transfer from your regular route to the new route or system.   For these situations, assume that there is no waiting time at the transfer site, only the walking and search time and effort.   The questions ask about making this new modal transfer in both familiar and unfamiliar areas.

How much time would you have to save before you would make a transfer to another mode located in the same block as your stop:

In a familiar area --------

In an unfamiliar area -------

How much time would you have to save before you would make a transfer to another mode located across the street from your stop:

 In a familiar area --------

In an unfamiliar area -------

How much time would you have to save before you would make a transfer to another mode located three blocks from your stop:

 In a familiar area --------

In an unfamiliar area -------

Part II  TS Field   Test                          Circle one               TS 1st                          TS 2nd

Name:..............................................................................   Subject #:………..

Train TS using sign for future fare machine.  Explain the cone of light, have them check top, bottom, right and left sides.   Walk to it 3 times.  Go to plaza door and practice toward door 3 times.   Put portable unit on pole near door and walk to it twice.   Explain how to know when you walk past.   Put them in middle and let them experience 180, <180 and >180 angles.  Walk them until disorientated and then take to nearby street corner info sign so they understand how the information is given.

Start at the outside train platform if possible.  Go to inside door and have them stand with back to door.   Draw upside down “T” on their hand and explain tracks behind them and the  hallway and amenities are in front and to left.    “The many railroad tracks all come in behind us.   There is a central hallway leading to the main exit and the street in front.   Different customer amenities and counters are located along hallway and opposite wall.   


In this experiment we will be simulating making transfer between various transit modes.   We will be making 4 street crossings altogether.   I need you to stop at the crossing ramp before crossing the street.   We will wait through one cycle of the "WAIT" signal.   When you think it is clear to go please tell me before crossings.   I will stop you if it is too early to cross safely.   Please stop at the opposite side crossing ramp each time you cross.   Let me know when you know you are at the proper crossing ramp.

Start at terminal door 7.  "For this task, we will transfer from the train station to the Muni light rail area.   You are at the back of the train station facing the front.   There is a hallway leading to the street in front.   At the street turn right and go to the corner.   After crossing the street, find the Muni light rail station area which is on your right in the median strip.   Find where to pay the fare.  


"Before leaving the Caltrain station and going to Muni rail, we will first stop at the   (proper) bathroom which is located somewhere on the opposite wall.   Then find where to buy a candy bar.   After that, find the main exit and turn right to go to the corner toward the Muni platform"

Any questions?   Please repeat the instructions"

"Please say "here" or otherwise let me know when you arrive at each of the selected locations.   You will have a maximum of 4 minutes for each leg of the trip.   You can ask other people for information or directions but do not let them guide you.   If you want to give up, you will be given the maximum time of 4 minutes and I will walk you to the next location.   If at any time you are uncomfortable with a task, please let me know.   Your comfort and safety are the central concern in this experiment"


FROM                     TO                          RT                                           ERROR                   COMMENTS

TRACK7 -- BATHROOM                   ________                              ________              _______________

BATHROOM-- CANDY                     ________                             ________             _______________

CANDY--CORNER                                ________                             ________              _______________

CORNER--CORNER                               ________                             ________             _______________

CORNER--FARE BOX                          ________                              ________              _______________

In TS condition, take them up the platform to hear the installed transmitters.

"From here we will walk back the way we came, when you get to the entrance to the train terminal find the ticket and information window, then find where to buy flowers, find the inside pay phone and then go to the door for Track 2.   Any Questions? Please repeat instructions.”


FROM                     TO                          RT                                           ERROR                   COMMENTS

CORNER--CORNER                              ________                              ________              _______________

CORNER--TICKET WIN                      ________                             ________             _______________

TICKET --FLOWERS                           ________                              __________          ______________

FLOWERS --PHONE                            ________                              _______                 _____     _______________

PHONE--TRACK 2                               ________                              ________              _______________


"This test takes us from the train station to a taxi cab stand.   In this task I will guide with you from this door to the main exit, turn left and go to the corner.  At the corner we turn left again and walk to the taxi stand pole.   It is located where the curb is indented for cabs to park.   As we travel listen or scan for cues."

AT TAXI STAND:   "In this task you will go to the drinking fountain (use any path you want), then to the ticket window and then to Track 11

FROM                     TO                          RT                                           ERROR                   COMMENTS

TAXI POLE--WATER                          ________                              ________              _______________

WATER- TICKET WIN                       ________                              ________              _______________

TICKET WIN-TRACK 1      1              ________                              ________              _______________


"In this task you will walk from this door  to the street in front (use any path or door you want) and find the first corner we visited, the one leading to the Muni platform..   This time instead of going straight across to Muni, we will cross the street on your left, remember to stop at the crosswalk.   After crossing the street, turn left and find a pay phone and then find the bus stop for bus #15.   There will be someone there that you can ask.”


FROM                     TO                          RT                                           ERROR                   COMMENTS

TRACK 11--CORNER                           ________                              ________              _______________

CORNER--CORNER                              ________                              ________              _______________

CORNER--PAY PHONE                       ________                              ________              _______________

PAY PHONE-BUS SH #15   ________                             ________             _______________

"For the return trip to the train terminal I will guide you back the way we came, stopping at the corners before and after you cross.   I will then guide you back to the main entrance and to the ticket window.   Then walk to find a hot dog and then to Track 3.


FROM                     TO                          RT                                           ERROR                   COMMENTS

BUS SH #13 - CORNER        Guided walk

CORNER - CORNER                             ________                              ________              _______________

CORNER – TICKET WIN     Guided walk

TICKET WIN – HOT DOG ________                             ________             _______________

HOT DOG - TRACK 3                          ________                              ________              _______________

Spatial Knowledge

Circle answer or fill in

Which concession counter is closest to the front street?           

Hot Dog                                  Don't know             ________________

What concession   counter is closest to the train area?

Flowers                                   Don't know             ________________

Which concession counter is closest to or across from the ticket window?             

Candy                                     Don't know             ________________

What concession counter is closest tot he Candy counter?

Flowers                                   Don't know             ________________

Which amenity is closest tot he water fountain?

Men's bathroom                    Don't know            ________________

What amenity is closest to the phone?

Women's bathroom              Don't know            ________________

What amenity is furthest from the phone

Water fountain                      Don't know             ________________

What street is in front of the train station

4th                                             Don't know             ________________

How many lanes and what direction (one way / two way) is this street?

4 lanes, two way                    Don't know            ________________

What street did you cross to get to the Muni rail platform?

King                                        Don't know             ________________

How many lanes and what direction (one way / two way) is this street?

2 lanes, one way                    Don't know            ________________

What street is the taxi stand on?

Townsend                              Don't know             ________________

How many train tracks serve the Caltrain station?

12                                             Don't know             ________________

The highest track # is closest to which of the other transit modes we visited

Muni                                       Don't know             ________________

Which track door # is closest to track door 6?              

5                                               Don't know             ________________

Which track door # is closest to track door7?               

8                                               Don't know             ________________

Which tracks are closest to the main entrance?

3/4                                            Don't know             ________________

Which tracks are closest to the waiting room?

5/6                                            Don't know             ________________

Which track # did we first start at?

7/8                                            Don’t know            _______________

Where do the doors across from tracks 9-12 lead

King   Plaza                            Don't know            ________________

Think about the street crossings we just made.  What was different from your regular method when using TS?

Think about finding various features in the terminal.  What was different from your regular method when using TS?

Think about the transfers we made between different modes of transit.   What was different from your regular method when using TS?

Part III: Post-test questions

Date………..                                                                                                                                                                          Time----------                        

Name:..............................................................................   Subject #:………..

"Our experiment today has taken place in an area which is fairly rich with Talking Signs transmitters.   There were about 30 transmitters at the Caltrain station, there were signs at the Muni rail platform, the taxi stand, the bus stop and outdoor phone and at street intersections for the 4 crossings we made.   For all the questions in this post-test interview, please imagine that your entire travel area and neighborhood was equipped with this concentrated type of Talking Signs installation."

If Talking Signs were installed on transit, intersections, signs and buildings how would you

rate yourself in terms of your mobility and travel in the following areas:







very unsure

Independent travel


General Sense of Direction


New environments




How often would you learn a new route or navigate around a new place?


Several times a week


Several times a month

Once a month

Less frequently than monthly







 If a special concert or movie I was looking forward to attending was being held 10 miles away in an unfamiliar location that was served by an unfamiliar transit route and also required a transfer to another mode, I would probably:

1               Forego the event

2               Ask a friend for a ride

3               Ask a family member for a ride

4               Ask someone to teach me the transit route

5               Pay for a cab

 6             Call dial-a-ride

7               Get information and then rely on my travel skills and by asking for help on the way

 8             Other ------------------------

How much money would you be willing to pay to be able to use Talking Signs for this trip if they were installed on transit, intersections, signs and buildings

$ Per Day?  

If a job that you wanted was located 10 miles away in an unfamiliar location that was served by an unfamiliar transit route and also required a transfer to another mode, I would probably:

1               Forego the job

2               Ask a friend for a ride

3               Ask a family member for a ride

4               Ask someone to teach me the transit route

5               Pay for a cab

6               Call dial-a-ride

7               Get information and then rely on my travel skills and by asking for help on the way

8               Other ------------------------

How much money would you be willing to pay to be able to use Talking Signs for this trip if they were installed on transit, intersections, signs and buildings

$ Per Day?  

Monetary gains from independent travel

If Talking Signs were installed citywide on all transit, intersections, signs and buildings I could probably make

$---------------- more per year.

If Talking Signs were installed citywide on all transit, intersections and buildings I could reduce

my spending for assistance by  $------------------   per year.


How many more trips a week would you make if Talking Signs were installed citywide in all transit, intersections, signs and buildings?

Work                                       ----------

Shopping                                ----------

Social events                         ----------

Recreation                              ----------

Entertainment                        ----------

Educational                            ----------   

Religious                                ----------

Medical                                   ----------

Banking / Financial               ----------

Other                                       ----------

I would be willing to pay $------------ per day to be able to use Talking Signs if they were installed citywide and gave me the same access to signs as the sighted public.

If Talking Signs were installed on all transit, intersections and buildings

How difficult would the following transit and modal transfer tasks be   (5 pt.  scale)

Extremely difficult, Very difficult, Difficult, Somewhat difficult, Not at all difficult







Getting enough suitable information about an unfamiliar transit terminal or building so that you could make an unaided trip.


Getting enough suitable information about an unfamiliar transit route so that you could make an unaided trip


Getting enough suitable information about transit boarding locations on an unfamiliar transit route so that you could make an unaided trip


Preplanning and remembering instructions, directions and routes for an unfamiliar area so that you can make an unaided transit trip


Having the same access and ease of use of transit and public buildings as enjoyed by the general public is?








Finding a bus stop


Knowing which buses stop at a bus stop


Finding the proper bus


Finding a bus door safely and quickly for easy boarding


Transferring to another bus on the line


Transferring buses at a busy terminal








Finding my way around an unfamiliar train or bus terminal


Finding information or ticket windows, services and amenities such as phones and bathrooms in a new building or terminal.


Finding the proper boarding gate at a train station when there are many doors or gates to various platforms


Finding the door to a train at an unfamiliar platform


Muni   (Light Rail)






Finding the entrance and the platform for a street level Muni platform


Finding out which Muni routes are served by a platform


Finding which side of the platform to wait at for the proper train


Finding the door to a Muni train








Transferring from a train or bus terminal to another mode of transit (light rail or bus) one block away.


Leaving a station and finding a taxi stand on the street.








Crossing a busy street in an unfamiliar area.


Realizing I am lost while travelling and don't know which street corner I am at.


Determining the traffic flow and intersection type in order to safely cross at an unfamiliar street intersection


Knowing what street corner I am at when in an unfamiliar area.


Keeping my mental map continually updated so that I know which block or crossing I am at while traveling


If Talking Signs were installed on all transit, intersections, signs and buildings

For each situation, assume that you are a regular rider of a transit line and your trip home takes you one hour.  You find out that a new route such as an express bus or rail service has opened up.   You can save some time on your one hour trip but will have to make a transfer from your regular route to the new route or system.   For these situations, assume that there is no waiting time at the transfer site, only the walking and search time and effort.   The questions ask about making this new modal transfer in both familiar and unfamiliar areas.

How much time would you have to save before you would make a transfer to another mode located in the same block as your stop:

In a familiar area --------

In an unfamiliar area -------

 How much time would you have to save before you would make a transfer to another mode located across the street from your stop:

 In a familiar area --------

In an unfamiliar area -------

How much time would you have to save before you would make a transfer to another mode located three blocks from your stop:

 In a familiar area --------

In an unfamiliar area -------

Please rate if you agree or disagree with the following statements (5 point scale)

Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly Disagree


S Ag




S Di

TS are helpful and should be installed at terminals


TS are helpful and should be installed at bus stops


TS are helpful and should be installed at transit platforms


TS are helpful and should be installed at street intersections


TS are helpful and should be installed in buildings


TS are helpful and should be installed where printed signs are located


TS are helpful and should be installed at transit vehicle boarding doors


TS give vital spatial information at intersections and should be installed


TS at intersection crosswalks make crossings safer


TS makes transit transfers easier and safer


A city-wide TS system would help me financially


A city-wide TS system would allow me to travel to more places


From what I experienced in this test, I feel that the TS system helped me use unfamiliar transit and make transfers


If TS were installed citywide on transit, intersections, signs and buildings, how would they affect your travel?

What is your overall opinion of Talking Signs?