APPENDIX 16 : Comments about Terminal Differences

Question: “Think about finding various features in the terminal.

What was different from your regular method when using TS?”

Ss #



Knew where things were, they tell where it is, didn't have to ask, people don't give clear directions


Don't have to ask, avoid bad directions (by others), could know which door, (know) place I was at


Don't have to find and ask people, more independent, more comfortable


Didn't have to get up close trying to read signs, was able to find exit easier


Easier to find locations, didn't have to ask


Gave positive ID, got orientation, label, greater confidence, didn't have to ask


Easier, tells where it's at


No asking, quicker, able to use reference points, scan and orient, like "looking around", found locations I didn't know were there


Travel more unencumbered, direction cues for orientation, label cues for orientation, didn't have to ask, more independent, more finite spatial orientation, very high traveling confidence


Able to use other points to find & locate amenities, gave spatial orientation, very helpful to find doors, didn't have to ask, able to pinpoint locations without moving, helps construct mental maps, I can point & get info instead of someone else moving my hand with no logical sequence, understand relationships, help get precise line of travel


Was able to have more options, found stuff I wasn't looking for, didn't have to count doors, knew where exits lead to


Knew amenities were in same room, didn't have to count to find doors, didn't know they (doors) were in pairs, could align to what's across from doors, able to find direct path to vendors


Didn't have to ask, independent, didn't have to feel dirty walls & counters, knew where I was & where I was going, able to find platform, locations, spatial relationships, can make shortcuts, can find landmarks without going there, learned what was sold even though not looking for it, able to quickly locate & use amenities


Didn't have to ask, knew what was flowers, new locations, found stuff I wouldn't have asked for, didn't have to count, didn't have to feel, I look more normal & confident, easy to find right bathroom, easy to find right track door


Very specific info on where I was, didn't have to worry about using my limited vision, took me exactly to locations, didn't have to guess, felt safer, instant feedback, don't have to find people, ask for help, secure, had positive ID, more confident, could learn spatial layout & orientation


Don't have to ask, immediate access to info, didn't have to accumulate knowledge, know which street I exit to, easy to know track #


Didn't have to ask, faster, more confident


Know where to go, made it easier


Didn't have to ask, able to associate features with others


Didn't have to ask, better sense of spatial relationships, gives clearer mental map, don't have to stay close to walls, can use interior space


ID's the doors, ID's the counters, didn't have to ask, more helpful for orientation to streets & tracks


Know quickly when you're close, less worry, can concentrate on safety, faster, just knowing they exist helps travel, didn't have to ask, more independent, increased spatial orientation


Would have had to ask, went direct to what I wanted, knew which side of building I was in, knew where facing


Helped to learn spatial relationships, didn't have to ask, didn't have to memorize, helps me learn more spatial knowledge, great help in finding gate #'s


Didn't have to ask, would have wanted a sighted guide, more independent, self esteem, knew what was around by scanning, could explore better, could learn better


Much info about building, wouldn't have to ask, or use trail & error, didn't have to count doors, knew what was nearby without walking


Didn't have to ask, or have sighted guide, didn't have to shoreline, or count doors, didn't have to stand in line to get assistance, didn't have to ask, saves time, nice to know what is around me


Easy, not frustrating, makes things do-able, had a clear spatial orientation, learn more than from O & M training, more detailed spatial orientation, got specific info, didn't have to grope, could tell things from a distance, easy to line up and go to it, veering was easy to fix, didn't have to re-orient, didn't have to ask, knew I could do it with ease


Much quicker to get idea where things are, much quicker to find out what is around you, gives spatial info, helps emotionally when I can know what's around, makes it fun to go out & explore, "it's the difference between a walk in the park & a walk on a treadmill facing a wall", can go right to track or location rather than counting, don't have to search for landmarks, don't have to ask, independent


Concentrate on hazard & safety instead of spatial configuration & orientation, shorter distance, quicker travel, would have had to ask for help, was not distracted by noise & movement, more focus, knew which direction I was to go, learn more detail, found things I didn't know, explains layout