Lecture Notes on Environmental Issues
Sale, Kirkpatrick. 1993. The Green Revolution - The American Environmental Movement 1962-1992. Hill and Wang, New York, 124 pp.
source: http://aggie-horticulture.tamu.edu/syllabi/315/lecture2.html
Timeline for Environmental Awareness
1892  Sierra Club
1905  Audubon Society
1922  Izaak Walton League
1935  Wilderness Society
1936  National Wildlife Federation
1951  Nature Conservancy
1961  World Wildlife Fund
1967  Environmental Defense Fund
1968  Zero Population Growth
1969  Friends of the Earth
Union of Conceerned Scientists
1970  Center for Science in the Public Interest
Environmental Action
League of Conservation Voters
National Resources Defense Council
1971  Green Peace
1975  Worldwatch Institute
Source: Sale, Kirkpatrick. 1993. The Green Revolution - The American Environmental Movement 1962-1992. Hill and Wang, New York, 124 pp.
Critical Events in the Environmental Arena
1962  Rachel Carson publishes Silent Spring
1965  Water Quality Act, Solid Waste Disposal Act, Clean Air Act (1955) amended
1969  Cuyahoga River bursts into flames
1970  Environmental Protection Agency established
OSHA (occupational safety)
Earth Day, April 22
1972  Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
1973  Endangered Species Act
1980  Superfund established for toxic waste cleanup
Source: Sale, Kirkpatrick. 1993. The Green Revolution - The American Environmental Movement 1962-1992. Hill and Wang, New York, 124 pp.
Environmental Disasters
1962  Health effects of thalidomide publicized
1966  B-52 with nuclear bombs on board crashed near Spain
1967  Torrey Canyon oil spill
36 million gallons spilled into English Channel
1969  Santa Barbara oil spill
1975  FMC Corp. dumped 3,000 pounds of toxic waste into Ohio River
1977  North Sea oil spill (8.2 million gallons)
1978  Love Canal (Buffalo, NY) contamination reported
Three Mile Island (PA) radiation leak from nuclear plant
Amoco Cadiz tanker spilled 70 million gallons of oil off French coast
1983  Times Beach (MO) abandoned (PCB contaminated road oil)
1984  Bhopal, India leak at Union Carbide pesticide plant
10,000+ dead and dying
1985  Toxic chemical leak in Institute, WV
1986  Chernobyl nuclear plant explosion
1989  Exxon Valdez tanker spills 11 million gallons of crude oil
1991  Persian Gulf war pollution disaster
Source: Sale, Kirkpatrick. 1993. The Green Revolution - The American Environmental Movement 1962-1992. Hill and Wang, New York, 124 pp.