Lecture Notes for Clarke, K. C. Analytical and Computer Cartography

Lecture 9: Attribute Data Structures

"...we query the cartographic objects representing the geographic phenomena by their attributes reflecting geographic properties" (Clarke, p. 159)

Sequence of Development

Attribute Data Models

Data management most commonly uses the logical data model of the flat file, but physically, data can be placed in many different combinations of files and physical data structures.

Several models for attibute data have developed over time. The hierarchical and network data models were short-lived, and quickly replaced by the relational. More recent hybrids, and the now dominant object-oriented model are considered.

The Hierarchical Data Model (e.g. IBM's IMS)

The Network Data Model (e.g. DEC's DBMS-10)

The Relational Data Model

Some Attribute Data Models and Structures

The Hypergraph Structure

The Entity-Relationship Structure

Object-Oriented Models

Hybrid Structures

Data Structures and Models for Analytical and Computer Cartography

"The power of both map and attribute data structures is how well they support cartographic transformations."

Keith C. Clarke Last Update 4/24/97 Copyright Prentice Hall (1995)