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Our CORONA project is accessible at:


EROS Data Center, US Geological Survey Sioux Falls, South Dakota:


All 800,000 Corona images are now declassified and can be ordered through the U.S. Geological Survey. The center sells duplicates of CORONA film in all standard photo product types, and maintains a metadata archive on CORONA, with browsing quality images of most CORONA frames.

National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) II College Park, Maryland:

NARA maintains a set of duplicate film, equivalent to EROS. NARA does not have a metadata archive-- but you can use the USGS GLIS for that. NARA, however, does possess a full set of all the paper catalogs, mission summaries, camera manuals, mission evaluations, technical review reports, and other materials generated by the CIA during the life of CORONA. These are invaluable. You may view them at NARA in Maryland, and you can copy pages of the material. They are located in the cartographic and architectural branch, on the third floor. To see a summary of the CORONA paper record materials at NARA, go to:


select: all media, and select: cartographic and architectural branch then type the keyword: NWDNC-263 Record Group 263 identifies records from the CIA. As you will see, the CORONA materials are interfiled with Nazi death camp photography.

The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO):


The NRO was established in 1960 to administer the CORONA Program. In addition to video clips and other information, they offer a pdf file of the titles, dates and originators of over 38,000 pages of material on CORONA, This is referenced under the link: Index of the Declassified CORONA, ARGON, and LANYARD Records

The National Security Archive George Washington University, Washington, DC.:


This archive specializes in declassification and dissemination of previously secret materials on a wide range of vital American and international issues.

The Federation of American Scientists Intelligence Resource Program, Washington, DC.:


For over fifteen years the FAS Space Policy Project has been a leading source of information and commentary on the intelligence community, with particular emphasis on intelligence agency budgets and satellite collection systems.

The Center for the Study of Intelligence, CIA:


The Center managed the presentation of the declassification of CORONA, later the history of the U-2 program, and other CIA programs. They publish "Studies in Intelligence", which was once classified "Secret", but now also contains non-classified articles that can be publicly accessed.

Encyclopedia Astronautica:


This site gives exhaustive chronologies of Corona and later reconnaissance satellite launches, lifetimes, and sensor systems.

The distribution of Yanomani settlements in the Amazon region:


The UCSB Department of Anthropolgy is using CORONA imagery to investigate the distribution of Yanomani settlements in the Amazon region.

NASA's Landsat 7 site:


This site has images at higher resolution than earlier Landsats. Landsat 7 was launched in April 1999.

NASA's Earth Observatory site:


The Earth Observatory site has a wide range of information, as well as images from a variety of satellites. A primary feature of this site will be data about all facets of earth systems science provided by Terra, a satellite launched in July.


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